Monday, October 21, 2013


Greetings and Welcome to my blog!

All names including my own have been changed to protect the innocent (and the guilty). This has proved to be a super fun exercise - I love names! I'm using the pen name that I chose when I first started writing in grade school. Many of my friends have suggested I start a blog, but I was slightly concerned about my students and their parents stumbling upon some of the content (especially bitching about them) and use of profanity. It's kind of thrilling to be completely anonymous and to write as Larissa, who I have visualized as bolder, more intense, quick-witted, and wearing more eyeliner than I do, since childhood.

If you start to feel as though I'm lying back on the couch in your office and spewing lengthy memories of my experiences in the hopes of some new insight or perspective, you are not mistaken. I am on your couch. Seriously, go look! I've been doing a lot of writing in order to sort things out in the past several years and my hope is that sharing will create a sense of community with friends and readers. Perhaps publishing on some level will also promote my moving onto new writings without the old ones continuously swimming around in my head.

Enjoy, and feel free to share your comments!

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